The Dark Anniversary of Roe vs Wade

On this day, January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court signed a death sentence for over 62 million children. The Court decided that the lives of children in the womb could be ended. Today is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, a dark mark in our country. Let me say something right up front here. The sin of abortion can and will be forgiven. God’s Word is clear when it states, “and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but for those of the whole world” (1 John 2:2 NASB). All sin is forgivable by God if you repent of it and turn from sin. That is the grace of God.

But, as we look at abortion, we find many who profess Christianity as their faith, take a casual approach to the sin of abortion, and take a casual approach to the largest provider of abortion, Planned Parenthood. Abortion is the taking of a life, and if as Christians we turn our back to it, are we not complicit? I believe as we read Matthew 25:31-40 we see Jesus dealing with the sin of omission. His words are clear, “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me’” (Matthew 25:31-40 NASB). I do not think that we can read God’s Word and say to ourselves as Christians, “I don’t participate in abortion, but what can I do?”

What can we do? The greatest tool that we have is the power of prayer. Are we praying daily to the Lord to end the travesty of abortion? Are we letting our local elected officials and our nationally elected officials know that we stand against the murder of children through abortion? Are we looking to serve those who are marginalized and vulnerable in our community, who Planned Parenthood preys on as they seek to make money through the taking of lives? Much can be done in each of or lives to stand up for the lives of children in the womb.

As I spent time in God’s Word this morning, knowing that is was this dark day in 1973 that Roe vs Wade was passed by the Supreme Court, I read Leviticus 20. God is speaking to His people and warning them about the giving of their offspring to Molech. It is not a stretch to see the Molech of our times is the action of abortion. Abortion is a false god that promises freedom and that “everything will be okay.” This is hard for many to read, hard for many to accept, but the hardest time might be in the lives of those who were tricked by this false god. God forgives all of our sins, including the sin of abortion. God will forgive us if we have been blind to the sin of abortion and passive in our response. I will also say that if in your past, moms and dads, you have been affected by abortion, there is hope. Hope found only in Jesus Christ. Please seek the help and hope that is found in Jesus. Please feel free to email me if you desire at Hope and forgiveness are found in Jesus Christ. “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NASB).