Knowing is Loving: Introduction

Psalm 119 Devotional

22 Days: Knowing is Loving


Welcome to “Knowing is Loving,” a twenty-two-day devotional that will seek to bring you closer to God through a focus on His word, as we journey through Psalm 119 together. I began this journey back in the spring of 2019 as I led our adult Sunday school through nearly a yearlong study of Psalm 119. Through all my prayer as I studied the Psalm and the research into every aspect of the Psalm, I became consumed by the love that the psalmist had for the very same thing that I had in my hand. The revelation of God through His word. That started the idea, and much more study followed as did much more wonderful devotional time for me in this Psalm. I did not start out to write a devotional, but more to the point I desired to try and share how the Lord had spoken to my heart as I read the Psalm.

In the next pages you have twenty-two days of devotional reading. I would suggest that you read one section each day. Psalm 119 is composed of twenty-two eight verse stanzas. In each section you will find at the top of each page the Hebrew title for each stanza followed by the verse numbers. I have included those eight verses for you. Any Scripture included or quoted in this devotional comes from the 1995 NASB.

I will be praying for all who choose to spend time in this devotion. May God richly bless each of you over the next twenty-two days and beyond. May your love and desire for His word be strengthened.

God Bless each of you – Pastor Tom