Discovering God’s Will, part II

“Discovering God’s Will, part II”

Moving can be both exciting and exhausting. It offers the promise of a better place—a safer home, a fresh start, an environment where our families can grow. But the process? That’s another story. It involves hard work, paperwork, qualifications, and approvals. And let’s be honest—people don’t usually line up to help us move.
Now, imagine if someone else did all the work for you. No lifting, no stress—just the gift of a new home, fully prepared and waiting for you. That’s the incredible truth we find in Colossians 1:12-14. A great move has already taken place in the lives of God’s people. We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. And because of that, God’s will for us is simple: to live with joy and gratitude for what He has done.

God’s Will Is Not a Mystery
Many believers wrestle with the question, “What is God’s will for my life?” But in this passage, we see that God’s will is not some hidden secret—it is a life of joyful gratitude for all that He has given us in Christ. We do not have to qualify ourselves, deliver ourselves, or transfer ourselves into His kingdom. God has done it all.
Paul, writing from prison, reminded the Colossians not to be swayed by false teachings or the lure of an all-inclusive, ecumenical religion. Instead, they were to hold fast to the truth that Christ is at the center. And when Christ is at the center, we can live in confidence and thanksgiving because of three incredible truths:

1. We Are Qualified (Colossians 1:12)
God’s will is for His people to joyfully give thanks because He has qualified us for an inheritance in His kingdom. But if we have been qualified, that means we were once disqualified—unfit, unable to meet the standard.

Think about what it means to qualify for something. In the job market, people work tirelessly to earn degrees, gain experience, and build résumés that prove they are worthy of a position. But imagine applying for a job for which you had no skills or qualifications, only to be fully accepted, fully trained, and treated as family.
That’s exactly what God has done for us in Christ. We could never qualify ourselves for the kingdom of God (Ephesians 2:8-9), but Jesus qualified us through His sacrifice. And because of that, our standing has changed (Romans 8:17). In Christ, we are not just invited to an inheritance—we are qualified for it.

2. We Are Delivered (Colossians 1:13a)
Not only has God qualified us, but He has also rescued us from darkness. The gospel is not just about giving us a better life; it’s about delivering us from certain death.

God has always been in the business of rescuing His people. In Exodus 6:6, He promised to deliver Israel from bondage. That moment was a foreshadowing of the greater rescue to come—the one we now experience through Christ.

Think about the nature of rescue. If a person is trapped in a burning building, their situation is not just unpleasant—it’s fatal. They don’t need a self-help book or a few life improvements. They need someone to pull them out. That’s exactly what God has done. He didn’t just give us a way to improve ourselves—He saved our lives.

3. We Are Transferred (Colossians 1:13b-14)
Rescue is not the end of the story. God didn’t just save us and leave us in the wreckage of our old lives. He moved us into something completely new.

Look at the language Paul uses:
• Joy
• Giving thanks
• Qualified
• Inheriting
• Rescued
• Transferred
• Redeemed
• Forgiven

God has not just improved our condition—He has changed our location! We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His beloved Son. In Christ, we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). We no longer belong to the old life!

Living with Joyful Gratitude
So why should we live with joy and thankfulness? Because we have been moved into a kingdom that is eternal, unshakable, and full of joy.

John 8:12 reminds us that Jesus is the Light of the world, and those who follow Him will not walk in darkness but have the Light of life. We have been moved out of darkness forever!

This week let’s reflect on this great move God has made in our lives. How will we show the world that we live in joy and gratitude for all that Christ has done?

Because the truth is, we didn’t just change addresses. We have been given a brand-new home, a brand-new identity, and a brand-new life.