Christmas and Joseph

One of the great things that comes with writing a blog is that I can choose what I wish to write about. The other side of that is obviously that if you the reader do not like what I write then you will not have to read it. Needless to say, I do hope that you enjoy these blogs and continue to read them. If at anytime you have a question or comment about what I write my email is As you read this introduction you might be wondering if I am planning on writing something that you will not like. I hope that is not the case this week. I was looking to write a Christmas blog, and before I start, I would like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas. This week for a Christmas thought I was reading Matthews’s version of the birth of Jesus. What strikes me is that it seems to focus mainly on Joseph as the conception and birth of Christ is detailed in Matthew.

As we look at Matthew 1:18-25, we learn about Joseph. To read about the personality and actions of Joseph is truly a way in which we can model our lives after, not only at Christmas, but throughout the entire year. As readers, we learn quickly in verse eighteen that the conception of Jesus was done by the Holy Spirit. That is reassuring to as, but what about Joseph? Here was a young man finding out that His wife was with child. His first concern was for Mary, and the fact that he was “not wanting to disgrace her,” as he was a righteous man. Let us remember that he was not filled with the righteousness of Christ, but we could say that he was just. We don’t want to jump ahead in the story here, so we must realize that the angel of the Lord had not yet come to Joseph. Maybe some are not grasping this, but Joseph just found out that his wife to be, was pregnant.

I am going to conclude without going further into the text. I would encourage you to read and see the reactions of Joseph. We find that “Joseph did as the angel of the Lord Commanded.” How is this a message for our Christmas? Can we all be like Joseph and treat others like he treated Mary when he found out she was with child? I might actually be easier for us, because we are filled with the righteousness of Christ. Have a Merry Christmas, love each other, and enjoy all the grace and mercy that our Father in heaven has poured down on us.