The Big Game Recap

I am sure many of us watched the “Big Game” yesterday and as I did, I am sure many enjoyed the game. But, like any big event it seems as though controversy surrounded it. It appears that the halftime show was inappropriate. Now, I am far from perfect, but I …

Christmas and Joseph

One of the great things that comes with writing a blog is that I can choose what I wish to write about. The other side of that is obviously that if you the reader do not like what I write then you will not have to read it. Needless to …

The End and then the Beginning

On Thursday evening I announced to my wife that I had finished reading the Bible. She laughingly said, “so now what?” A rhetorical question of course as she knows that simply means I read through God’s Word and now I would be starting over. The reality was, I had already …

The Most Popular Bible Verse

I was looking at some news headlines this morning, and mixed into the usual political news, world news, and weather-related stories was a headline that caught my eye. The headline stated that the Bible App had released the most popular verse for 2019. I began to try and guess, and …

Christ the Hope

Don’t we all like to think about hope, talk about hope, and life in the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ? Yesterday we lit the first candle on the advent wreath at church and I spoke for a moment about hope, and Romans 15:12-13 was read. Christmas time …

With All Our Might

As I sit in my office at the church this morning my thoughts keep going in the direction of worshipping the Lord. My sermon this week is about worship, so I suppose that is part of the reason. But as I sit and listen to the sounds of worship in …

Built Up in Christ

This past week I have been spending my time studying the letter of Paul to the Colossians. In particular, Colossians 2 has been the chapter that has drawn me to write this morning. It is a cold Saturday and while I catch up on some things here at the church …