An 80-Mile Journey

I have been reflecting on Luke 2:4-5 which says, “Joseph went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, in order to register along with Mary, who was engaged …

It is Revival Time

Who wants a revival? I know that when I ask that question almost everybody would say, “I do!” For those that do not we may have to look down the road at a different blog post on why would you not want a revival? To begin this blog, I have …

That Time of Year

The commercials are on television, the advertisements are popping up on your computer, and the radio stations are filled with talk of what to buy for Christmas. Yes, once again we are at that wonderful time of the year. That time of the year when we celebrate with friends and …

Ezekiel and the Call

I recently completed a lengthy study in the Book of Ezekiel. As I have stated before, often when I complete my studies in particular books of the Bible, I feel positive of course, but a sense of, “I am going to miss that book.” Ezekiel is one that I will …

The Key Relationship

Many times, as a pastor I must broach a delicate subject with people. I often do not consider it a delicate subject, but rather a subject that if addressed in God’s Word is something that as followers of Christ we do need to look at, perhaps study, and ultimately apply …

We Pray Now

The Book of Nehemiah is often looked at as a book that gives direction to people on how to lead in a godly manner. As I have worked through Nehemiah it is easy to find many great leadership principles and at the same time it is challenging to look at …

A Fool, A Rogue, and A Noble Man

What are the characteristics of a fool? What are the characteristics of a rogue? What are the characteristics of a noble man? Maybe you are wondering as to why I am asking these questions. The answer is simple for me. I wish to be more Christ-like in all that I …

It is I Lord

I have been studying through the Book of Isaiah for the past number of weeks and thought I would pause and share thoughts from chapter fourteen. As I have been thinking about writing this I wondered if blog posts should be positive and upbeat, let us even say fun. I …

Knowing What or Knowing Who?

Have you ever spent time in the Book of Ecclesiastes? I have recently been studying through it and in doing so I went back to some notes I had made a number of years ago about it. I found that my observations and thoughts were shall we say, “light.” This …