Oh the Heart

What do we think about when we talk about our hearts? As I ask that question, I am not thinking of how many beats per minute, but rather the definition of heart that defines it as the center of all of our being. Taking the word “heart” a step further …

His Focus is My Focus

What are the things that capture our focus? Is it possible that these things which capture our focus can eventually capture our hearts? This morning I was spending time in the first book of Samuel, and in particular chapters fifteen and sixteen. As I read and reread and then sat …


Today in my personal time of studying and meditating on God’s Word I was in 1 Samuel 1. Just prior to that chapter I had been in the Book of Ruth and was overwhelmed by the grace of God in my life. Boaz the redeemer had saved a family, had …

Where Do We Go From Here?

Can the expression, “What do we do now,” be considered an “age-old” question. I think it can be. Yes of course it is a question that people have asked forever. We see people asking this question of John the Baptist in Luke 3:10. We can also find Jesus being asked …

The Same

Evangelism, witnessing, sharing the Good News, or the simplest way to say it, “sharing the love of Jesus.” How are we all doing on these topics? I made a statement a few Sundays ago in regard to God’s Will. I said, “Imagine if God answered to us. We would have …

Have We Questioned Him?

This morning I preached on John 1:43-51. This was the concluding text, as we have spent eight weeks working through the first chapter of John. So much happens for us to see in the first chapter and in preaching perhaps some are left to wonder if there is even more …

Half Empty or Half Full

As I sit here at my desk I can look outside and see the snow continuing to come down. I have opened the door numerous times today in an attempt to judge how much may have fallen already. Perhaps I have the desire to know that information from my dad, …

It is Always About Prayer

I find that the more time I spend in prayer the more time that I want to spend in prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 is more of a desire or a wish to be a reality rather than the chore that it may have been at one time. Now, that does …

Greater Things

This past weekend I was preaching from Luke 10 as part of a three-week series that is looking to focus our church on the mission to which God has called us. As often happens in research and study for a sermon there are many texts and passages of Scripture that …