A Fun Question to Ask

Have you ever used the expression, “So, what?” Maybe you are thinking that you have never used it out loud or with those exact words, but I would think that in some form or another all of us have thought it, said it, or acted in a way that brings …

No Hard Hearts

Do the words of Jesus challenge us in our lives and in our faith growth? Today I spent time studying through Mark, chapters six through eight. I was thinking in particular about Mark 6:37-38. Jesus made two statements in these verses, the first being, “You give them something to eat!” …

Nope, Not Me

Have you ever said, “Evangelism is for somebody else to do?” Hopefully you never have said that and if you did it was done in your “inside voice.” Because saying that statement is antithetical to what God’s Word tells us. Just so that all of us can be on the …


I think that most of us remember the Advent calendars of our youth. My parents would put it up on the door of the refrigerator about a week before the start of Advent and then my sister and I would wait for that first morning to run down and open …

Thanks for 2021

Thanksgiving is upon us and if you are reading this, I hope that you do have a wonderful Thanksgiving. This past Sunday at our church we focused on a “Heart of Thanks,” at our morning service and in the evening as we came together for a special Thanksgiving service many …

Things to Come

What is out there? That is a question that most people have asked at some time or another. I do suppose that William Shatner has or had asked that question many times. I am not a Star Trek aficionado or really much of a huge fan. I think like most …

Reflection on Psalm 106

Today in this blog I am focusing on observations that I made while praying over Psalm 106. The Psalms are written at times during happiness, during grief, while under attack, or while looking in awe at the power of God and His grace. The Psalms can find us also in …

Gotta Go

The past month of August was one in which our church took a break in it’s Wednesday night Bible study from digging through the Book of Acts. We spent time on some other biblical areas and of course as anytime Bible study takes place, we had a great time. But, …

Preparation for the Future

I hope that as you read this blog post today that you do not think that I simply took an easy obvious topic and expounded on it. But I guess that is exactly what I have done. In defense of myself I did state well over two years ago when …

The Leader

Much has been written on leadership from a secular viewpoint and from a biblical viewpoint. A quick search through Amazon book titles under the topic of leadership reveals an almost never-ending list of authors, titles, and opinions on leadership. Debates on styles of leadership abound as do styles of leadership. …