New Life in Christ

New Life in Christ Romans 6:3-5 Baptism is a profound moment of celebration, symbolizing freedom and transformation in Christ. As we witness baptisms, we are reminded of the deep truths of our faith: sin no longer has dominion over those who believe in Jesus. Freedom from Sin’s Dominion Imagine a …

The Promise Fulfilled

The Promise Fulfilled: God’s Plan Revealed in Bethlehem The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem is more than simply a cherished story; it’s the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan of redemption for humanity. From an unexpected location to unlikely messengers, God’s ways consistently surprise and inspire us, proving that He works …

The Promise Remembered

The Promise Remembered: A Reflection on God’s Faithfulness Remembering things can be a challenge. From sticky notes to expanding notecards, we rely on tools to help us keep track of what matters. Yet, forgetting can still frustrate us, even in our spiritual lives. Zechariah’s song in Luke 1:67-79 offers a …

A Seat at the Table

Have you ever been to a restaurant that is busy and the reservations you had get pushed back? Maybe you even say something like, “what was the point of my reservations if they cannot seat me at my table?” Most people tend to find that their patience is tried greatly …

Conformed and Transformed

As I have been studying through the Book of Romans, I was looking forward to arriving at chapter twelve. Now of course the whole book is one of my favorite parts of God’s Word to spend my devotional time in. Paul, as he writes Romans is presenting the challenge and …

Knowing is Loving: Day 22

Psalm 119 Devotional 22 Days: Knowing is Loving Day 22 (Tav – verses 169-176)   Let my cry come before You, O’ Lord; Give me understanding according to Your word. Let my supplication come before You; deliver me according to Your word. Let my lips utter praise, for you teach …

Knowing is Loving: Day 21

Psalm 119 Devotional 22 Days: Knowing is Loving Day 21 (Shin – verses 161-168)   Princes persecute me without cause, but my heart stands in awe of Your words. I rejoice at Your word, as one who finds great spoil. I hate and despise falsehood, but I love Your law. …

Knowing is Loving: Day 20

Psalm 119 Devotional 22 Days: Knowing is Loving Day 20 (Resh – verses 153-160)   Look upon my affliction and rescue me, for I do not forget Your law. Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to Your word. Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do …

Knowing is Loving: Day 19

Psalm 119 Devotional 22 Days: Knowing is Loving Day 19 (Qoph – verses 145-152)   I cried with all my heart; answer me O’ Lord! I will observe Your statutes. I cried to You; save me and I shall keep Your testimonies. I rise before dawn and cry for help; …