Counter Cultural like Daniel?

Welcome back to my blog, I almost started off by saying, “Welcome back to Pastor Tom’s blog,” but realized the awkwardness of addressing myself in the third person. The beauty of writing this blog is that it allows me an outlet for the thoughts I have during the day, and …

Dry Bones and New Life

I am into week two of the blog and am a little late to post something for the week, but nonetheless here is the post with my thoughts. Vacation Bible School just came to an end last night here at the church and it was a week full of life …

Good, Holy, and Mighty

Ezekiel 16, while on one hand is disconcerting to readers, is also a great reminder of God’s faithfulness to His covenant. God is addressing the nation of Israel, His faithfulness toward them, their turning away from Him, and His still continued faithfulness toward them. This summary really sounds like a …