
I have been working through Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians this past week. As I do my personal study I highlight and make notes in my Bible margin and when I complete a chapter, I write my thoughts based on my reading and meditation on the text. I often …

Acts Unhindered

I completed my personal studying through the Acts of the Apostles this morning. It is one of the times when I completed a section of Scripture that I sat back, and really just marveled at God. Now, do not get me wrong, I marvel at God often, and how wonderful …

A Millstone

At our Bible study this week, we studied the first ten verses of Luke 17. As it seems I have said very often through our study of Luke, “Tonight we will once again hear some very hard teachings of Jesus.” As I reflect back on those “hard teachings,” I find …

No Despair Here

I was reading and studying the Book of Galatians this week and spent a lot of time looking at 5:22-23. In particular Paul addresses one of the fruits of “self-control.” Of course, we know that immediately following his mention of self-control he completes his thought with the statement, “against such …

A Look at Our Prayer Lives

Over these past months I have been focusing a lot on prayer. I just concluded a seven-week sermon series going through the letters of Paul and looking at his model for prayer. Currently our young adults’ group is working through the Crazy Love series by Francis Chan, which place a …

The Covenant of Salt

Salt has been used throughout the Bible in several areas in both the Old and New Testament. Salt can be seen in reference to very positive properties such as in seasoning, and to purify and preserve. Salt has also been used in alluding to new beginnings (Ezekiel 16:4). Salt can …

The Depth’s of the Sea

I purchased a new Bible for myself last week. It is the same version, the same font size, the same as what I have, except it is new. It has been hard to get used to, as the pages on my old one are well worn in, while in the …

Skilled for What?

It is Friday afternoon of a busy week as I sit to write this. I will say that being a pastor is truly an amazing gift from God, and as well is a true blessing. As most of you who read this blog can observe, my theme of each post …

Healed, Bandaged, and Revived

Well, it is Monday afternoon as I write this, and I am sitting at Starbucks enjoying a decaf latte and thinking how much I miss my wife. The old adage of, “absence makes the heart grow fonder,” is silly. I love my wife and I miss my wife, and with …